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Strawflower Mix Helichrysum Monstrosum is a warm-weather annual or half-hardy annual plant. Strawflower Mix seeds can be started indoors or directly outdoors after last frost. Also called Paper Daisy, Everlasting Daisy and Everlasting Flower, Helichrysum Monstrosum features thin, lance-shaped, grayish-green leaves up to 5 inches long and sandpapery, hollow, branching stems that can reach 2 to 3 feet. This Strawflower produces loads of vibrant 2-3 inch papery, pompom-like flowers that come in red, yellow, purple, white and rose colors. The flower petals are actually bracts surrounding the central disc of florets. The bracts are papery with a straw - like, crackly texture, which is why they are called strawflowers. The flowers are known as an "everlasting" because they will last indefinitely when dried. Paper Daisy blooms over a very long season attracting butterflies and bees.
Strawflower Mix is one of the most popular flowers to grow in cutting gardens, borders and flower beds. The plant is very easy to grow from Helichrysum Monstrosum seeds, and once established it tolerates both heat and drought. Everlasting Daisy makes a unique cut flower which maintains its color and shape indefinitely, and it makes Everlasting Flower ideal for both fresh and dried floral arrangements.
Season: Annual
Height: 2-3 Feet
Bloom Season: Summer/Fall
Environment: Full Sun/Light Shade
Soil Type: Average/Dry/Medium well-drained, pH 6.6-7.5
USDA Zones: All Regions of North America
Sow Indoors: Winter/Spring (4-6 weeks before last frost)
Sow Outdoors: Spring
Seed Depth: Surface sowing - press seeds slightly into the soil
Germination Time: 7-15 Days