Coreopsis Lanceleaf Tall Bulk Seeds - Coreopsis Lanceolata
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Coreopsis Lanceleaf Tall Coreopsis Lanceolata is a herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Aster family. The Tall Lanceleaf Coreopsis seeds produce the plant that is also commonly known as Lanceleaf Tickseed or Tickseed Coreopsis. This very reliable clumping perennial features beautiful foliage with long lance-shaped leaves and produces masses of showy, large, daisy-like, fringed, golden-yellow flowers. Tickseed Coreopsis has a long bloom period and the extremely showy flowers attract butterflies all summer long.
Coreopsis Lanceleaf Tall is one of the best perennials for meadow gardens or naturalized areas, and perennial Coreopsis is also often grown in borders, containers and rock gardens. It easy to start this plant from Coreopsis Lanceolata seeds, and Coreopsis grows best in full sun tolerating drought, heat, humidity and adapting easily to poor soil conditions. Lanceleaf Coreopsis is a wonderful fresh cut flower.
Season: Perennial
Height: 18-30 Inches
Bloom Season: Summer/Fall
Environment: Sun
Soil Type: Average/Poor/Dry/Medium, well-drained, pH 5.8-6.8
USDA Zones: 3-10
Sow Indoors: Winter/Spring (6-8 weeks before last frost)
Sow Outdoors: Spring/Fall
Seed Depth: 1/16 inch
Germination Time: 21-28 Days